Detail Congress

Fascination Facade
On April 25th, the Detail Facade Congress will take place in Düsseldorf. As the face of architecture, facades exert a special fascination. They give entire epochs their architectural expression, reflecting the spirit of the times. Facades must meet increasingly demanding requirements - whether it be in terms of energy efficiency, sound insulation, comfort standards, or representation needs. Few areas of construction bring together as many trades, and few are subject to as many standards as building envelopes.
The consequences of this and the design opportunities that can still be utilized will be explored in detail through engaging presentations and expert discussions at the congress. Rieder will also make an exciting contribution to the topic of building in existing structures and reuse & recycle. We look forward to welcoming numerous interested parties and engaging in exciting conversations.
The following questions are among those in focus

Rising requirements versus limited construction budgets – a dilemma without a solution? Saving face versus energy conservation – how to achieve the balance in facade renovation? Circular economy and resource conservation – what do they mean for the facades of the future?
The event is recognized as a advanced training course by several architectural chambers.